We are frequently asked this question by travelers who want to take a to Corcovado National Park tour, since many times the opinions on the internet confuse them.
The small difference between the Sirena Corcovado tour and San Pedrillo is only 3000 years old. Sirena has a 47 year old secondary forest, and San Pedrillo has a large part of primary forest, at least 3000 years old.
In Sirena you will also have the possibility of seeing more animals, due to the effect between two rivers that makes them contained in a smaller area, they are also more accustomed to humans and there are not as many top predators. In contrast, in San Pedrillo, they are in their completely natural environment, the animals are more elusive, and are more on the prowl, due to the fact that there are more large predators, such as pumas, jaguars, hawks, snakes, etc., which makes it more difficult to see them.
In our opinion, the trails in San Pedrillo are unique because of the interaction between prey and predator in a very natural environment. The trails are more solitary, you will feel like you are in a real jungle, surrounded by huge trees and lush forest. Our Corcovado tours focus on enjoying nature as pure as possible.